Stereo Comics [Search results for Frank Miller]
John Romita Jr draws Judge Dredd.
it's Frank Miller, serial killer
I'm not prone to hyperbole, but this sounds like the greatest book ever in the history of humanity
cop a load of the MIGNOLA cover for the DARK HORSE TWENTY book
SIN CITY, the one comic book movie I've ever looked forward to
Tomorrow's links today.
Tons of FRANK MILLER news
I ♥ Keith Giffen
Mark Millar back on Wolverine - blogger hints at vague promise. May prove overly optimistic.
Opinions are like assholes. Everyone's got one. But mine's fabulous.
I am honour-bound to bring this to your attention.
more high powered EBAY shenanigans
Will Eisner R.I.P.
I ♥ Kev Walker
Neil Gaiman news is like buses:
Frank Miller's next job as a movie director...
Links of note.
Chris Weston is pissed off
comic booky links
Christie-Tyler Seats
Relatos De Presidio, No. 696