Stereo Comics [TIME]
Zarhol Rico's Venn diagrams for nerds.
Tim Doyle draws one mean MF (Massey Ferguson).
This year's Christmas card from PJ McQuade.
This year's Christmas card from Alfie Gallagher.
Begging. And NEW KLAMS!
The only non-Moore/Gibbons WATCHMEN comic you'll ever need.
Geo Law
Cheers Levon, thanks for everything.
Dinosaur Jr - Over It.
More nu-Hewl.
Oh, this is glorious.
EAGLE AWARDS nom-nom-noms.
Merry X-mas pt.III - music
Merry Christmas from Brendan McCarthy
Link for yer.
Dave Johnson's cover for Staceytron: Mass Perceptron
Mike Allred's YOJIMBO triptych.
Been caught soliciting: Marvel, October, 2011.
Phil Bond's Batgirl
Bisley is as Bisley does.