Stereo Comics [Phil Bond]
Phil Bond draws some actual Doctor Who comics.
Pope riffs on Barbarella, Bond riffs on Giffen.
Pure nostalgia hit: Phil Bond
Merry X-mas pt.IV: More Christmas.
Lovely stuff found knocking about my desktop/browser/the internet.
Phil Bond's Batgirl
Other stuff in my RSS feed I've liked today V.
Can't believe Phil Bond posted new TANK GIRL art on Flickr and I hadn't noticed.
Digging the wisful space-romance of this piece by the great Phil Bond, slight return
Digging the wistful space-romance of this piece by the great Phil Bond.
Phil Bond's WONDER WOMAN redesign is much better than Jim Lee's.
Philip J Bond's VELMA
Philip J Bond's M.O.D.O.K. vs luchadores
Buying bad comics for good art. A recurring problem.
Family Bond-ing exercise.
If I was Tharg.
Philip Bond's Le déjeuner sur l'herbe
None more mod.
Never knowingly failed to plug a Phil Bond comic.