1. Bryan Lee O'Malley has a new website. Eet is preety.
2. When comic titans drink, drink, drink!
3. Sam Raimi is producing a new THE SHADOW film. Unfamiliar as I am with the original pulps, I loved Howard Chaykin's miniseries in the eighties, along with the Andy Helfer/Bill Sienkiewicz/Kyle Baker ongoing that spun off from it. In fact, I'd say that Helfer & Baker's second annual from that series is one of my favourite comics of all-time. Not that I'd expect the movie to be anything like those: another case of comics being a smarter, more sophisticated form of storytelling than mainstream cinema, I'm afraid.
4. CBDLF auction over at Ebay. Buy Frank Miller's stool. No, not that kind of stool, you pervert!