Stereo Comics [Brendan McCarthy]
This year's Christmas card from Brendan McCarthy.
Rifling through the last few days of my RSS reader...
ZAUCER OF ZILK promo images
I can't quit you baby
Brendan McCarthy revisits the STRANGE DAYS cast.
Brendan McCarthy & Pete Milligan's SUMMER OF LOVE
Milligan/McCarthy's THE ELECTRIC(K) HOAX
Merry Christmas from Brendan McCarthy
ZAUCER OF ZILK imminent.
Anybody: got a spare five grand?
Well, I'd have bought it.
Some good lookin' new Brendan McCarthy work.
Inevitable conclusion.
Other stuff in my RSS feed I've liked today V.
Brendan McCarthy on Street Art.
Ditko Lovers
Brendan McCarthy's variant cover for DC's XOMBI #1.
Not embargoed this year: Brendan McCarthy's christmas card to us all.
Help a dude out at Christmas.
Things I've liked tonight while hacking through the last 48 hours of my RSS feed.