Chris Weston covers Bolland for 2000AD's 35th birthday celebrations.

Bolland's animal crackers.

Been caught soliciting: DC, December 2010.

Been caught soliciting: DC, September 2010.

Brian Bolland takes on the Fine Art world, and wins... I think.

Been caught soliciting: DC, August 2010.

10 2000AD Characters Who Could Rule Cinema, & assorted shizzle.

Been Caught Soliciting: DC, February 2010

Seen today...

Bolland seems to be getting freakier with age. I approve.

Been Caught Soliciting: DC, May, 2009.

Been Caught Soliciting: DC and Marvel, April 2009

DC caught solicitating yet again.

Mo' solicitations, and it's GOOD NEWS/BAD NEWS month at DC!

DC still solicitatin'...

DC soliciting 'round the back of the Albert Clock.

Opinions are like assholes. Everyone's got one. But mine's fabulous.

Soliciting time is here again, tra la la.

Brian Bolland drops an Anderson.

DC solicitations an' stuff.