Stereo Comics [blog]
Zarhol Rico's Venn diagrams for nerds.
Don't worry baby.
Pete Fowler's Nemesis The Warlock.
Rory Phillips
Blogger inevitably finds the link between his two favourite things.
Daniel James Cox's Hellboy
Phil Bond draws some actual Doctor Who comics.
Pat Mills will probably approve of this image.
Mo' new Hewl.
Thinking about Ditko.
Pope riffs on Barbarella, Bond riffs on Giffen.
Other music you might actively prefer. But VOTE KLAMS! anyway.
Begging. And NEW KLAMS!
Rifling through the last few days of my RSS reader...
Unclog your blog II
Saturday catch-up.
Quitely draws the A (Animal Man) to Z (Zenith) of Grant Morrison
The only non-Moore/Gibbons WATCHMEN comic you'll ever need.
Geo Law
Steve Rude & Beer.