Stereo Comics [Doctor Who]
Phil Bond draws some actual Doctor Who comics.
Elisabeth Sladen 1948-2011.
So, anyway...
Simon Fraser's Tom Baker
And while we're on a theme of artists flogging Doctor Who prints on Etsy:
Ben Templesmith's eleventh Doctor
It's the USA/The Doctor meet-cute.
Craig Ferguson - The lost "Dr. Who" cold open
Diamond Dan McDaid's Doctor Doom Versus Doctor Who
Brendan McCarthy's DOCTOR WHAT?
Speculative DOCTOR WHO punt.
comic book stories
Take home Dean Trippe's delightful Batman/Doctor Who team-up.
Two of this blog's major themes crashing headlong.
I wasn't terribly pushed on this, until I saw who they'd cast as David Bowie...
A little bit of various in the morning.
Links of disrepute II
Links of disrepute.
Barack Obama Looking At Awesome Things #6: The TARDIS.
New DOCTOR WHO trailers breaking out all over the place.