Stereo Comics [Edmund Bagwell]
Happy New Year Again from Edmund Bagwell
Thinking about Ditko.
Assorted on a Sunday.
Edmund Bagwell's tribute to Brett Ewins.
More of the same.
Happy new year from Edmund Bagwell.
Merry X-Mas 2011 pt.II
Hey, I've just turned forty.
Blowing your mind with some Edmund Bagwell.
Dr Or toasts THE FUTURE!
Merry Christmark.
Edmund Bagwell's Etrigan.
Bagwell's Dredd - Oh bondage, up yours.
More Edmund Bagwell Indigo Prime 2.0.
Edmund Bagwell does Ezquerra.
Sequential art.
EDMUND BAGWELL's four colours good
Merry Christmas Everybody...
Bad Comedian is five years old, part VII.