Stereo Comics [Dan McDaid]
Pat Mills will probably approve of this image.
The Tuesday Night Allsorts
Assorted gear.
Fegredo does SKYRIM, Francavilla does DREDD.
S'occuper de ses oignons.
Sci-Fi Mondays
"The Shatner's really hit the fan now. I'm up Dawson's Creek without a paddle."
Today's images of today, today: brought to you by paint fumes and stout.
Diamond Dan McDaid's Doctor Doom Versus Doctor Who
Desperate Dan McDaid's GALACTUS is making me warm just looking at it.
Everybody seen these preview pages from the last issue of Dan McDaid's JERSEY GODS yet?
A little bit of various in the morning.
Been caught soliciting: Everybody and their mothers edition, April 2010.
All the festive cheer that's fit to print
Been Caught Soliciting: Image, February 2010 Continued!
Bad Comedian is five years old, part IX.
Dan McDaid's GREEN LANTERN is rather groovy.
Been Caught Soliciting: Image, May, 2009.
Random THOR notion.