Y'know, I've dropped the odd dark hint here and there that I reckon Marvel's upcoming Wolverine mini-series by BKV and Eduardo Risso is a bit of a waste of time and talent, that it looks like yet another re-write of the original Chris Claremont/Frank Miller mini-series. Material that was far from being either creator's best work anyway.
Then imagine my surprise when I read this interview with Mark Millar, and thought, hey, this sounds pretty good. It's one part Eastwood's UNFORGIVEN to one part Alan Moore's unproduced TWILIGHT OF THE SUPERHEROES pitch. Out of these two influences, Millar may actually do something new with a character I've written off as moribund since 1984. That's nearly 25 years, people! Shit!

Wolverine, jumping the shark in '84. Happy days!