Tomorrow's links today.

John Romita Jr draws Judge Dredd.

Been caught soliciting: Dark Horse, July 2010.

Been Caught Soliciting: DC, May, 2009.

Frank Miller's THE SPIRIT: still not right, nor next to near it.

So, has Frank Miller been a naughty boy again or what?

Links of note.

Even Eva Mendes' knockers won't save you now, Mr Miller.

Careful now, Denny.

DC caught soliciting for July 2008.

This ol' town is filled with sin, it'll swallow you in...

Patience, young Jedi.

that'll be the DARK HORSE solicitations out again, then

it's Frank Miller, serial killer

Tons of FRANK MILLER news

comic booky links

Chris Weston is pissed off

Frank Miller's next job as a movie director...


quinner, quinner, quinner, quinner, BATMAN!