Stereo Comics [Paul Pope]
Pope riffs on Barbarella, Bond riffs on Giffen.
Today's image of the day, today. On a Sunday.
Other stuff in my RSS feed I've liked today V.
Pope news
"Kirby meets Metal Hurlant": Paul Pope's BATTLING BOY poster for TCAF 2010.
Paul Pope covers ABBEY ROAD
Been caught soliciting: Marvel, August 2010.
Pope does Kirby, again.
Been caught soliciting: Marvel, June 2010.
The Slipper Room.
M'uad Dib
I wish I was back on Mars.
Click on this if you want to see Paul Pope's STRANGE TALES MAX cover in ridiculously high resolution.
Detail from Paul Pope's YOJIMBO print.
Week 2 of Paul Pope's STRANGE ADVENTURES.
More WEDNESDAY COMICS leakage. This time, Paul Pope does Adam Strange.
Cop a load of these
Some links'n'shizzle.
Yeah, I was always going to run this...