Stereo Comics [Search results for Superman]
Like a hundred thousand other people...
Peter Jackson's SUPERMAN
finally saw SUPERMAN RETURNS and...
How dumb are movie people?
Lots of SUPERMAN blogging going on...
Oh, and while a theme is developing...
Irish blogger working on another crazy theory, news at ten.
Just saw the new SUPERMAN RETURNS trailer
DC Get Done For Solicitating Again
the internet is for... ass-kissing
Darwynian theory.
The solicitations for WEDNESDAY COMICS #1-4 are out...
Animation across de nation.
BRUCE TIMM is in my remit
You wanted REVIEWS? No? Well fuck you pal, 'cus you got 'em anyway!
DC caught soliciting again.
Super Bowl 50 Ad Watch: Fly to Gotham City with Turkish Airlines Feat. Ben Affleck
I ♥ Keith Giffen
Morrison Hotel.