Sir Duncan Fegredo's Dark Hellboy sketch he posted recently on Twitter. Seems entirely wrong to call it a "sketch":

From his blog earlier today, Neill "Mo-Bot High" Cameron's giant robot Judge Dredd:

Robert Valley is getting back into the swing of blogging. After his work on trailers for GUITAR HERO and ROCK BAND: THE BEATLES, Valley has became something of a go-to guy for rock illustration. Here's his Zep...

...and here's Mike Avon Oeming's Pagey, from the What Not blog. It's a suitably thunderous composition, but there's an obvious problem with this image - he's stuck Percy Plant's rune on a drawing of Page The Mage. Change it to a Zoso, Mike!

George Lucas has commissioned some great new STAR WARS art by some top comickers for a new book from Harry Abrams. Which reminds me, when are Harry Abrams' new Corto Maltese translations coming out? Haven't heard much about that for a while. Anyway, stay off the tangent, Mark - here's a lovely piece by Frank Quitely:

STAR WARS also remains a rich vein of inspiration for the man we call WJC:

...and for Phil Bond, too, heading into JAKe-ish territory:

..and remember Patrick McQuade's "Hothy Christmas" from last year? He's got new designs joining it this year, including this - "You've Lando-ed On The Nice-List This Year":

And PJ Holden linked to this classic piece of Wood-work on Twitter last night. I'm guessing this was a lifestyle mag for hip astronauts-around-town.