Stereo Comics [Search results for Frank Quitely]
And now, Frank Quitely's JUDGE DREDD
not often the place to see comic news...
Frank Quitely does Batman and Robin.
You wanted REVIEWS? No? Well fuck you pal, 'cus you got 'em anyway!
Tomorrow's links today.
Quitely draws the A (Animal Man) to Z (Zenith) of Grant Morrison
Frank Quitely's Dredd design.
Frank Quitely's JUDGE DREDD MEGAZINE #301 cover art.
Henry Flint's HAUNTED TANK #1 cover is nice.
DC caught soliciting again.
From the file marked "'About Time!"
Been Caught Soliciting: DC, February 2010
Frankly, Mister Shankly
Lovely stuff found knocking about my desktop/browser/the internet.
All-Star Super Podcasts
Like a hundred thousand other people...
Frank Quitely cranks the Messianic Knob up to 11 on his cover for ABSOLUTE ALL-STAR SUPERMAN.
Jumbo stuff in my in-tray.
Been Caught Soliciting: DC, December 2009.
Well, at least I never bothered to stick £60 on Chiwetel Ejiofor: thoughts on the next Doctor Who.