Stereo Comics   +  TIME

Well, at least I never bothered to stick £60 on Chiwetel Ejiofor: thoughts on the next Doctor Who.

So Matt Smith is the new Doctor. I remember thinking last time that Dave Tennant was too young for the part, right up until the first pictures were released of him in his (brilliant) costume design. And now this guy is like Tennant's younger brother. They'll have to cast a sodding teenager as his assistant.

The new boy looks like he'll be a boon to cartoonists - PJ Holden has already commented upon Smith's "brilliantly bumpy head", and Rich Johnston has noticed he looks like he's been drawn into life by Frank Quitely.

So they had a chance to go somewhere radically different with The Doctor, and in a way they have. But in that deranged alternate universe that is the inside of my head, the new Doctor is Idris Elba dressed like Marvin Gaye in 1973. Damn, he was good, too.