Stereo Comics [Search results for Bryan Hitch]
Does a lot of good work for charity
assorted comics reviews
Final word on that THOR trailer.
Irish blogger working on another crazy theory, news at ten.
Bloggers know best.
Bryan Hitch draws THE AVENGERS...
DOCTOR WHO: The Christmas invasion
Been caught soliciting: DC, Marvel & Image, August 2011.
new CYBERMEN design revealed
meandering opinion piece that doesn't really go anywhere
radical change of direction
stuff I'm currently reading, and stuff kids should be reading
Bad Comedian is five years old, part IX.
See the ULTIMATE AVENGERS 2 preview, if you could be arsed
ultrafast reviews
I ♥ Duncan Fegredo
Could the WEDNESDAY COMICS model go forth and prosper?
yet more BRENDAN McCARTHY malarky