Stereo Comics   +  TIME

quinner, quinner, quinner, quinner, BATMAN!

Regular reader QUINNER writes to ask if I've read the whole HOLY TERROR, BATMAN! story over at The Beeb. The short answer is yes, it's good to see the mainstream media all over this like a rash, but to anyone keeping their ear to the ground on comic book gossip sites, this is pretty much old news (it's been rumoured without a denial since shortly after DKII). Anyway, here's a link you might have missed, seeing how it slipped out pretty much unnoticed at the time: Miller displaying some pages from the project (look at the size of the mother lovin' boards he uses!). It's the first time I've ever heard his speaking voice: kinda like Woody Allen's, of all people. The misanthropy, the sentimentalism about New York: it all fits now! Oh, and that picture above? Not from the new project, more's the pity.

Oh, and QUINNER: if yer such a regular reader, how come you never leave any comments?! And that goes for you, too, ED!