I'm not the sort who buys a comic for its cover, but Ladronn's for DC's relaunched THE SPIRIT #1 is gorgeous.

The one non-Vertigo DC title I will be buying is covered with some repackaged art we've all seen before, so that doesn't get a plug. Okay, It's the Rucka/Williams III BATWOMAN: ELEGY collection.

As a long-suffering Neil Young fan, I'd buy this anyway, but the art should be spectacular. Best colourist in the business gets a cover credit, too.

Image will be sticking out TURF, by Jonathan Ross and Tommy Lee Edwards. As one could have expected from the verbose Ross, the preview pages show it is overwritten-as-fuck. But hey - variant cover by Sir Duncan Fegredo!

Johnny Romita Junior does a cracking take on the cast of JERSEY GODS for the third trade paperback. It's a real shame the solicitation text makes it all sound so final: "Zoe is super-charged – and about to take Barock down. Never let your girlfriend borrow your super-powers. Sinister forces are lining up against our favorite Jersey couple that threaten to destroy their union...and their very lives. Hang on to your seats, the JERSEY GODS train is about to derail in the stunning conclusion you never expected. No lie: It will ROCK you! Collects JERSEY GODS 10-12, plusthe complete MARK WAID back up story, the six-page JERSEY GODS promo from INVINCIBLE and the JERSEY GODS pages from POPGUN."

Well, it's not much of a month from Marvel, unless you love their whole HEY KIDS! MORE OF THE SAME FROM BENDIS! direction. But if you love comics that might instead surprise and challenge you, why don't you try this?
"SPIDER-MAN: FEVER #1 (of 3)
Pencils & Cover by BRENDAN MCCARTHY
One of comics' most innovative and original voices, Brendan McCarthy, brings SPIDER-MAN: FEVER -- a truly unique and surreal story evoking the classic Silver-Age psychedelia of Steve Ditko's Dr Strange. In FEVER, Spider-Man is abducted by a depraved tribe of spider-demons to a bizarre dimension, where he is to be eaten alive. Dr. Strange goes on a perilous occult quest to rescue his friend -- and tangles with some very peculiar characters along the way...
32 PGS./Parental Advisory …$3.99"
Full DC solicits at CBR - Full Marvel solicits at CBR - Partial Image solicits at CBR