Some nice cover art this go-around, including my monthly dose of Biz's STABBY-MAN! Stabby-Man, Stabby-Man, stabs whatever a stabber can!

I was tempted to run an earlier version of this image when the lovely Dave Taylor ran it at his blog a while ago, but I waited, and here's the finished cover for his and Chip Kidd's Batman OGN, DEATH BY DESIGN. It's a beauty.

I'm not the world's biggest Jim Lee fan, but I do like this piece, it's got character, even if that's a most unladylike pose.

Rafael Grampa drawing the cover of a Denys Cowan comic? Even if it's complete bollocks, it'll be great looking.

I've been avoiding spoiling myself on SPACEMAN at all, all the more so to enjoy the inevitable collected edition. Love this cover by Dave Johnson, though.

You know the boom in UK graphic novel publishing must be making some impact with US commissioning editors when they start poaching talent, and Ian Culbard has been snatched up by Vertigo. The comic he's working on, THE NEW DEADWARDIANS, sounds like a hoot - a class struggle between posh vampires and proletariat zombies, written by pun-king Dan Abnett, of whom any 2000AD fan will tell you has been in a rich vein of form for the last couple of years.

Vampires - vein. Heh. I don't just throw this shit together, you know.