Stereo Comics   +  TIME

EAGLE AWARDS nom-nom-noms.

The last time this blog made it to the first stage of nominations for an Eagle Award, I gave you the instruction "vote with your conscience". And look what you went an' done, voted for the usual load of old bollocks. Warren bleedin' Ellis and Rich fucking Johnston and all the usual fucking suspects.

THIS TIME! GO HERE! And vote for the following, or we won't be friends anymore!

Favourite Newcomer Artist: Tiernen Trevallion
Favourite Letterer: Joe Decie
Favourite Editor: Rob Davis/Woodrow Phoenix
Favourite Publisher: Blank Slate Books
Favourite British Comicbook: Colour: Nelson
Favourite European Comicbook: Long John Silver
Favourite 2011 Single Story: Nelson
Favourite 2011 Continued Story: Hellboy: The Storm
Favourite 2011 Original Graphic Novel: Nelson
Favourite 2011 Reprint Compilation: Cradlegrave
Favourite Comics-Related Movie or TV Show: Community
Favourite Comics-Related Website: Bad Comedian
Roll of Honour: Mick McMahon

And vote with your "conscience" in the other categories, but no deviating in the above categories, no siree Bob! Democracy. Sheep! BAA! BAAA! BAAAA!!