Stereo Comics [2006-03-26

  • APRIL FOOLS DAY hangover

    APRIL FOOLS DAY hangover

  • Superheroes on the toilet

    Superheroes on the toilet

  • WHO leaked it?

    WHO leaked it?

  • I love YOU TUBE

    I love YOU TUBE

  • DC head honcho fails to point out the elephant in the room to gullible soft-soap

    DC head honcho fails to point out the elephant in the room to gullible soft-soap

  • new sixteen valve comic from the DC school of enlightenment

    new sixteen valve comic from the DC school of enlightenment

  • more HOT FUZZ news

    more HOT FUZZ news

  • SPIDER-MAN reviews crayons. No, really...

    SPIDER-MAN reviews crayons. No, really...

  • So, Mike, what exactly is "Prang"?

    So, Mike, what exactly is "Prang"?

  • For all my new readers...

    For all my new readers...

  • Bootlegging, remixing, mash-up, call it what you will...

    Bootlegging, remixing, mash-up, call it what you will...