So, it's going to go a little something like this: I, being an enlightened feminist, post an image from yet another comic book with a ridiculously, offensively, proportioned female in it. I point it out, and state my horror at how the super-hero wing of the comic book industry continues to objectify women. I complain about how the artform must transcend its puerile streak if it is to be taken seriously by the mainstream. How it should address sexuality as adults, not in this Benny Hill/Russ Mayer state of arrested development. Then my mainly male readership (all four of them) pile in with comments straight out of VIZ' Finbar Saunders and his Double Entendres.
So, fer Christ's sake - look at the funbags on this latest iteration of Golden Age cheesecake Phantom Lady. Look upon them, and weep with laughter.