1. A great panel by Shaky Kane, from the Bill Burroughs-inspired cut-up issue of THE BULLETPROOF COFFIN: DISINTERRED, as discussed further over at Steve Cook's blog.

This panel is based on a great portrait Steve did of Shaky in 2009 for this exhibition.

2. I managed to stay offline for most of May The Fourth, the fan-appointed "Star Wars Day", but I just saw this delightful confection over at Jonathan Edwards' blog, Happy Hour.

3. Similarly, being offline I also missed the news of Adam Yauch's death. I'll offer this again, as much in apology as in tribute: The Klams cover Sabotage.

4. I like GAME OF THRONES, I like beer, I like the inevitable crossover of the two.
5. Tom Whalen's gorgeous YELLOW SUBMARINE prints. If I could, I would. Instead, I'll probably pay the iron price for these.