A Sunday Orphan, from The Art Of Bisley. Running this 'cuz it's good to see Biz drawing his frequent collaborator, Glenn Danzig, in the guise most of us hold dearest, namely in his Misfits get-up.

Edmund Bagwell is, to me, the complete comic book artist, 'cuz not only can he do a great Kirby impersonation, he can letter like Mike Royer, too. I've another Bag-E piece I intend to run around here somewhere (digs around in his hard drive). Ah, here it is! His homage to Ron Smith, from a tribute mini-comic put together by 2000AD fan Mark Howard, the guy also responsible for the Carlos Ezquerra get-well-soon book from a while back.

Oh, and just spotted this in the nether-regions of my RSS feed - the great Kent Williams draws James Bond for PLAYBOY (again! Tonight's theme revealed!), in 1997 (from The Illustrated 007).