Stereo Comics   +  TIME

The Fantasy DOCTOR WHO movie game.

I'm spending a lot of this weekend watching loads of Tom Baker and Peter Davison DOCTOR WHOs on The Sci-Fi Channel. It's great craic, as is my attempt to derail a thread over at io9 with my Fantasy DOCTOR WHO movie game. I'll just quote myself, shall I?

A DOCTOR WHO movie could be easily achieved, if the will was there. It's the BBC's flagship and biggest moneyspinner these days, so the Beeb has considerable resources to play around with, and plenty of willing partners.
Plus, playing the Fantasy DOCTOR WHO movie game is great fun: If I was Julie Gardner (hmm, interesting thought...), I'd form a seperate production office. Moffat would continue to run the TV show, possibly with the Doctor recast. I'd organise a retreat for the writers to plot a movie (Davies, Moffat, Paul Cornell, Joe Aherne), with a list of pre-requisites to be met (it would have to include appearances by at least three Doctors including McGann, Ecclestone and Tennant; it would have to flesh out the Time War, and the decisions the Doctor made then, and therefore include the Daleks; but everything else would be up for grabs). I'd shop around for an experienced, safe-pair-of-hands, movie director: someone who's shot good looking blockbusters before but knows his role is subservient in this case to the production team's. Or see what Euros Lynn can do with a big budget. Whatever's handiest. I liked the job he did on PHOO ACTION.
So, if the will was there at the BBC, what's your fantasy Doctor Who movie? Other than two hours straight of Martha Jones finger-banging Rose Tyler, that is. Perverts.