Stereo Comics   +  Doctor Who

And yes...

...I saw DOCTOR WHO on Saturday. It was alright. It's becoming true that the ones Davies writes himself are usually the weakest - it was too repetitive, too smugly referential to the first series, a sure sign of believing your own hype. It lurched wildly in tone and structure, leaving gaping holes in character consistency and plot. I find myself pretty much in agreement with the review here. Anyway, it was saved (...just) by some decent acting, nice design work, Davies' fidelity to his recurring themes, the odd line of killer dialogue ("I'm a chav!" "That's textbook enigmatic", etc), and the fact that the trailer for the next episode looked absolutely kick-ass (a slo-mo shaolin wirework display that takes the piss out of the BBC1 idents, and some werewolf visuals as good as any seen on TV before - they certainly make BUFFTY THE DRAGON SLAYER's attempts look particularly crap). Plus, the ever-trustworthy Charlie Brooker's already seen it and he says it's great.