So, after getting a mad attack of the fanboys on hearing Brendan McCarthy was doing an issue of SOLO for DC, I got in contact with the man himself for a spot of verification. He confirmed that yes, he's working on it now, and expects it to be out around August/September. Brendan dropped one tantalising hint about his research into the project and its influence on the possible (characteristically idiosyncratic) content: "Very much digging the 60's art of Curt Swan... I love his 'transvestite Jimmy Olsen' stories... Inadvertantly transgressive!". Can't wait for this - I'm guessing this project (like many artist's issues of SOLO so far) will be a real love-letter to the DC comics McCarthy dug as a kid.
Turns out Brendan's moved again, too: seems he's in L.A, where he's sold out of what few copies remain of SWIMINI PURPOSE at the glam Sunset Boulevard comic shop Meltdown Comics at $65 bucks a pop (now, someone tell me why doesn't this book have a U.S. publisher yet?).
And, in more Ulster-centric news, Brendan revealed he was interviewed by a Belfast radio station last week, but has no idea when it'll be broadcast. I'm guessing that'll be Arts Extra on Radio Ulster, just because I can't think of any other local radio shows that'd be up for this. Certainly none in the cultural vacuum that is local commercial radio. That said, a quick search of their site drew a blank. Dammit. If any of my local readers hear anything, let me know, pronto.