So, the moment I knew David Tennant would be an okay Doctor Who? It wasn't when I saw him stand out in the dreadful piece of Dennis Potter-lite BLACKPOOL or the mediocre Derek Jarman-lite CASANOVA. It was when I saw him being interviewed by Colin Murray and Edith Bowman at this year's Glastonbury Festival. His hair was unwashed and standing on him like a buck goat, and he was buzzing from lack of sleep, too much caffeine (one hopes)and rock'n'roll. So when the Beeb released the above image this morning, it raised a smile. The guy might just be great.
Anyway, the picture was joined by some scuttlebutt about series two, especially the return of the Cybermen (groovy - if I was producing the show, my grand plan would have been: series one - the Daleks; series two - Cybermen; series three - The Master). The most interesting thing in the press release was that the new series seems to be establishing some clear continuity with the past for the first time ever by featuring a guest appearance by Sarah Jane Smith (who if memory serves, and it probably doesn't, was the longest serving assistant). One of the funnier debates in WHO fandom of late has been the "it's series one, it's a whole new show" brigade versus the "no, it's series twenty seven, it's a direct continuation" school. Maybe Elizabeth Sladen turning up in character (and with K9 in tow!) alluding to The Doctor's past will give the fanboys a definitive answer. If the answer is yes, it's the same show, then if I was Davies I'd start jumping through hoops to organise a "The Three Doctors" style team-up with the dear departed Eccleston and Paul McGann. Fill in those "The Time War" gaps.