I always enjoy the work Matt Pattinson posts at his CulpritTech blog though I've never spotlit his work here before. I like the way he fuses his work on this 'un over some Eileen Soper-esque classic children's book illustration.

Here's a painting by the illustrator Andres Guzman called "El Teleported Man". Love the Van Gogh-y palette and brushstrokes on the beard.

I've never hidden my love of Jim Mahfood here, and so it can be no surprise that I approve of Alan Martin asking him to be his latest TANK GIRL collaborator. Seen a few knobs on Faceberk making the same "...but it's not Jamie!" whinges that were squeaked out when Al partnered up with Ash Wood years back. Knobs. Mahfood gets the spirit of the character, clearly, and that's what's important.

And speaking of Jamie Hewlett, head down to your local offie if you want to get your hands on his latest piece, a bottle of Shit-The-Bed with his draw'rins all over it.

Dunno how much of this stuff'll get shipped over to Norn Iron, though. Can't see the offie in Coalisland wanting to touch it, for starters.