Time to dump all this stuff clogging up the tabs in my browser by sticking it all here.

Lee Bermejo's cover for Vertigo's adaptation of THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO. Bermejo was recently on the receiving end of a rather complimentary discussion of his work on the always-amusing Sunnyside Comics (yes, I'm another one who's still listening). No point complaining about this piece being unnecessarily sexualized, 'cuz presumably everyone on the planet knows by now that the entire, mystifyingly successful, Steig Larsson schtick is built on a queasy hypocritical take on sexual violence. "Ooh, isn't this awful? Let's keep looking!"
Meet Diego Gerlach, he's, uh, like a Brazilian Shaky Kane, I suppose (via Seneca).

That date-stamp at the bottom makes me suspicious. Is he a (*gasp*) secret librarian? SECRET LIBRARIAN is also the name of a new crossover series from Marvel, written by Brenda Bendis and drawn by Probably Mike Zeck, debuting June 2012.
Saw this guy over at Joe Bloke's gaffe: Loston Wallace.

His work clearly wears its influences on its sleeve, but he does a nice line in Joe Sinnotty-inks. Cheers, Joe.
It has long been stated that the quickest way to get a mention on this blog is draw Tank Girl. But Eric Canete and Jim Mahfood know that's a right load of old bollocks.

Sean Phillips draws Edgar Allen Poe as a guy either trying out as a new bassist for The Horrors, or really in need of a haircut.

Nothing like a day freezing one's arse off on a mobile library in a supermarket car-park to make you dream of escaping to Brazil. That, and the fact that Fabio Moon has left me under the impression that the girls there are in a constant state of undress.

Rufus Dayglo draws Tankie for a Tankie. Rufus need never know what awful Freudian keyboard slip I just made while typing his name (what is a Gayglo anyway?).

Assorted linkery: buy Corto Maltese in English! Watch a proud-looking Alan Moore visiting the Occupy kids (and it's not often BBC's featherlight The One Show beats Channel Four News to a story, but let's remember they got there first a few weeks ago with David Lloyd)!