Anyone following me on Twitter knows I'm always banging on about there being a renaissance in UK comics publishing right now, with half a dozen great new graphic novel publishers, and a handful of small-press anthologies, and a couple of new comics with ambitions beyond the ghetto of the direct market. An upcoming book I'll never tire of plugging, and the one I reckon has the real potential to be the first big break-out from this enterprising bunch is NELSON. I've now been lucky enough to read a pre-release copy of this 'un, and I can safely say that the editors have pulled off an amazing trick, a genuine innovation: an anthology that works successfully as a novel, and as a novel packs a hell of an emotional clout. It's the best thing I've read in the graphic novel medium since ASTERIOS POLYP.
Anyway, over at their blog, loveable London retailer Gosh have simultaneously announced a launch party, and a limited edition bookplate edition which will come with an inserted signed print by Frank Quitely. Which is just another great reason to buy the book.