Stereo Comics   +  Tom Baker

Big plug for Brad Collins.

Okay folks, this saga is old news for those following me on Twitter, but my sister bought me a lovely print of Tom Baker by Brad Collins for Christmas. I was quite touched by this, not least because Brad included such a lovely note with the item. I came home late on Christmas night, put it rather slovenly on my couch along with my other presents, and then went out again on Boxing Day. I returned to my house around eleven that night to find a burst pipe in my attic showering half of my house with hot water, including, yes, the couch with all my presents on it. Bugger.

Anyway, here's a before and after:

Tom, clean and dry.

Tom, drenched.

Anyway, when I contacted Brad to ask if I could buy a replacement, he volunteered to send me one for free. What an absolute sweetheart. Such loveliness deserves some robust plugging, so here's a link to Brad's Etsy shop, please buy lots of his lovely stuff. And here's his blog. And here's his Facebook page.