Stereo Comics   +  TIME

Quantum Of Solace, then.

So the new Bond movie is called QUANTUM OF SOLACE, after previous rumours had it as RESICO. Both titles are taken directly from Ian Fleming short stories in the collection FOR YOUR EYES ONLY.

The first thing I thought at hearing this news is that Quantum Of Solace is easily the most autobiographical, least characteristically Bond, story Fleming ever wrote (including CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG, which has plenty of ultimately Bond-like features, if you hadn't noticed: ex-military men, beautiful women with silly nomenclature, arch-villainy set in a large hollowed-out geological structure, tricked-out cars, gadgets, etc). So don't bother reading it for clues of what to expect in the movie. Unless the film is a mood-piece featuring the upper middle-classes sitting around the dinner table, complaining about their love lives. Where Bond doesn't even once draw a weapon.