Here's a piece Duncan Fegredo did for the always-worth-a-browse Hey Oscar Wilde! It's Clobberin' Time!!! website. It's Kip Russell, Peewee and The Mother Thing from Bob Heinlein's novel HAVE SPACESUIT, WILL TRAVEL. Which I haven't read, but sounds like a lot of fun. A bit Mark Twain-ish, even.
I was under the impression I'd written about this tremendous site before, back when Mike Wieringo died and I came across his Harry Potter images there, but it turns out I didn't (must have linked to them elsewhere). I used a Fantastic Four image instead, didn't I? Whoops! Anyway, this site falls right into my remit, being a crossover between my two fields of expertise (*cough*... I think I got away with that), comics and yer actual literature.