Stereo Comics   +  TIME

Putting my money where my mouth is.

As Mr Advocate For Digital Publishing, I should point this out: the lovely folks at Twomorrows and their decision to publish their magazines in lovely augmented PDF format (their magazines are usually in black and white, their digital editions will be in colour). Hope this experiment goes well for them, they do great work (I've been getting The Jack Kirby Collector since #1).

"You can now download our July issues: Alter Ego #70, Back Issue #23, Draw #14, Write Now #16, and Rough Stuff #5, in PDF format, for only $2.95 per download. Just go to www.twomorrows. com and click on the "Digital Editions" link on the left-hand side of our homepage.

These files are in FULL-COLOR, and available before the printed copies hit stores. And if you're a subscriber to our printed editions, you get FREE access to the Digital Editions while you're waiting for our printed copy to arrive in the mail. (Subscribers should have received an email notice telling them how to download their free digital edition; if you didn't, you need to send us your email address along with a request to twomorrow@aol. com.)

This is a six-month test, to see what the response is, and how it'll affect our print sales. So please don't share the digital files you download; we rely on the sale of every copy (print and digital) to keep our mags going!"