Stereo Comics   +  TIME

Beta Blocker

Like everyone else who's made the move over to Blogger beta, I'm finding it a blessing and a curse. Some things work all the time; somethings work some of the time; and some things are infuriatingly absent. The blog is looking increasingly how I want it to look, yet agonisingly not quite what I want due to some bugs in the w.y.s.i.w.y.g. layout editor. And some things are a complete friggin' mystery. Look at the little picture of me in the right sidebar. See how it says "Northern Ireland, GB" beside it? It's doing that entirely of its own volition. Last time I checked, Northern Ireland was still in the United Kingdom, but has not been part of "Great Britain" since the Ice Age. So that's, what, 15 thousand years out of date, then?