It's just struck me. The plot of The Who's new song cycle (kinda, vaguely) reminds me of that of Peter Milligan and Philip Bond's VERTIGO POP! LONDON miniseries. And great it was too. It involved an old rock star, a sort-of Ray Davies/Pete Townshend analogue, performing a body swap with a clueless young busker. Various and sundry Milliganesque complications ensue. Anyway, it raised several cogent points about ageism in the music biz, some of which I'm reading into WIRE AND GLASS as well, such as how one way to buck the "better to burn out than to fade away" myth might be to adopt a false, younger, persona. Even if that persona exists only within the work, rather than outside in the real world.
Can't believe this has never been collected into a trade, either: it's primo work by two great creators.