Stereo Comics   +  TIME

Weekend of forced sobriety

Dammit! I'm on a course of antibiotics for these damn weeping sores on my cock, uh, I mean gum infection, and couldn't touch a drop, which isn't helping my fucking mood any. Bollocks!
Anyway, finally saw ALIENS VERSUS PREDATORS NOT ON A PLANE BUT UNDER AN ICEBERG on Sky Movies. Man, it was corny! It was cornier than a corndog dipped in corn relish, served on cornbread, with corn fritters on the side! Every chance he got to close a gaping plothole, the director obviously decided to say, "hells, no! let's just go with the whole incoherent thing instead!" Bear with me while I check out the guy's CV in real time over at IMDB... Oh, he's that guy! He's fucking shit!