Hello, I'm Mark, and I'm a guitaroholic. Sure, I've cut down to maybe just buying one guitar a year (okay, I admit, last year was an aberation, I bought two). It's a hell of a long time since I had my legendary full, twin set-up (one electric, one acoustic, a bass and an amp at the homestead, and another one of each at the place in Whiteabbey, plus multiple effects, mikes, stands, four-tracks, etc: the detritus of the rock'n'roll life). Now I'm down to one electric (okay, that's a bald lie - it's three), one acoustic (okay, two, if you count Roger the twelve-string), one bass, and no amps (well, a digitally modelled farm full of them on the computer, the Pignose somewhere or other, maybe the attic). Anyway, the point is, I'm a clean-livin', non-rockin' individual these days. Or at least that's what I tell my sponsor, and my bank manager.
But then I go and see this, and think, "maybe just one more..."