There was at least one surprise in the DC solicitations that came out this week: Pete Milligan writing Shade The Changing Man again, but this time in SECRET SEVEN, not an Enid Blyton adaptation, but a DC Universe miniseries that ties-in to their latest fan-gouge-fest. I'll probably buy it just out of curiosity.
But artwise, there's these:
I can't stop looking at Guillem March's latest cover for GOTHAM SIRENS. It's beyond good or bad, I've no words to adequately express my feelings towards it.

Another Simon Bisley HELLBLAZER cover caught my eye. I've been overhearing conversations on Twitter recently that reveal Biz is still a very divisive figure in the UK comics community. I prefer not to blame the man for the rash of impersonators that polluted 2000AD for too long in his wake. That blame should roll uphill to whoever commissioned their work, presumably in a blind panic induced by the realisation that the corporate golden goose had gone and pissed off to America. This image shows that Biz is capable of quieter moments than we expect from him (y'know), and a reminder that he has a great capacity for rendering texture.