Must be THOR month at Marvel. Good. Corporate synergy is go!
Since getting that first DRINK & DRAW SOCIAL CLUB book, I've really dug the work of Dan "Urban Barbarian" Panosian. So, him doing Kirby characters = right up my alley.

Another Tommy Lee Edwards Thor cover. Sort-of a Frazetta tribute. Funny lookin' face on 'im, though.

I'll be buying this: the instant classic Langridge/Samnee THOR: THE MIGHTY AVENGER gets its first collection.

I keep saying it. Even if Kyle Baker was producing the best work of his lifetime, even if this comic was full of SS she-wolves getting up to all sorts of high-larious sexy shenanigans, I'll still never buy another fucking Deadpool comic. Unless it had a back-up by Brendan McCarthy.

She's got a CBR on me.