Stereo Comics   +  story

Gorillaz/Alan Moore collaboration nixed.

So the John Dee opera planned as a collaboration between the Gorillaz and Alan Moore has crashed and burned (read Moore's side of the story here). Moore complains that he was doing all of the heavy lifting on the project, but one has to ask: what did he expect? The Gorillaz are in the middle of the life-cycle of PLASTIC BEACH - Albarn is leading a stellar touring band around the world's festival circuit, Hewlett is producing a constant flow of video and illustrative artwork for the group. Besides, the chosen subject matter was always clearly all Moore's handiwork, with nothing in Albarn or Hewlett's past bodies of work indicating they give a fuck about the occult, let alone be willing to set aside their workloads in order to meet the deadline for the next issue of Moore's dreadful DODGEM LOGIC.