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New JUDGE DREDD movie back on the cards?

Well, according to reports: yeah.

"Rebellion and 2000 AD are proud to announce that Judge Dredd is coming to a cinema near you soon!

Together with DNA Films, the movie production company behind such great sci-fi movies such as Sunshine and 28 Weeks Later, Judge Dredd will go into production in 2009.

Jason Kingsley, CEO and Creative Director said, ‘We can’t give away too many details at this point, but we’re looking forward to working with DNA Films to bring Judge Dredd back to the big screen.’

We’ll keep you up to date with breaking news as it happens!"
Decent British producers (let's not kid ourselves that being set on the American continent is really in any way that important to the Dredd mythos - the cynical worldview, all ours, sorry). Could be promising. The first attempt at bringing the character to screen was, to my eyes, a near miss. A fine looking film, if only they'd worked harder on the script and the tone. And by errors in script and tone, I mean: just which the fuck Einstein hired Rob Schneider to ruin every scene he appears in? Verisimilitude, people!

Hell, everyone in UK comics seems to have a story about being taken into Sly Stallone's trailer, where he'd grill them on the minutia of Dredd lore. Stallone almost got Dredd. But what's the point of giving the embodiment of faceless authority a face? That's right - it still rankles. Fuck you, Hollywood.