Stereo Comics   +  Keith Giffen

Crystal bollocks.

Sod what happens in their comics, the most interesting dynamic at DC is between Dan DiDio and his court jester, Keith Giffen. God, I wish DiDio would just read one of Giffen's damned columns for CBR and take heed. Especially his latest. Y'know what? For a guy with sod all editorial experience, Giffen would make a good Chief over there. A man in the Dick Giordano mould, I'd say. Think about it, AOL/WB/whoever.

Also, I made Giffen's Charlton/WATCHMEN prediction years ago. It'll happen someday. With the total disintegration of the relationship between DC and Alan Moore; and DC excising all the original incarnations of the Charton characters from their mainstream (the killing of Ted Kord, the death of Vic Sage, Captain Adam becoming Monarch); the reinstatement of Charlton's own "universe", Earth 4, within DC's multiverse in INFINITE CRISIS; the example of Morrison's Dr Manhattan-esque handling of Captain Atom in SUPERMAN BEYOND; then throw Morrison's enmity with Moore into the bargain and it just makes it seem more inevitable.