...anything to report?
Well, I've already written about my nostalgic love for the character Star-Lord, so here's looking forward to #1 of his new series, by writer Keef Giffen and artist Timothy Green, whose work piqued my interest when I saw a fellow blogger condemning the corporate ethos behind RUSH CITY, causing me to pipe up that at least the art samples he was using to illustrate his points were pretty good. Since then, I've seen Green illustrate a Leah Moore/John Reppion story in a Dark Horse anthology, and yeah, his work has got bags of character - bound for bigger things, I'd wager. Here's the rather kick-arse cover to the clunkily-titled ANNIHILATION: CONQUEST - STAR-LORD #1 by Nic Klein.
In the same multi-part "event" (God, I'm sick of typing that word) comes ANNIHILATION: CONQUEST - WRAITH #1. Not going to buy this 'un, but hey! Clint Langley's done the cover. 2000AD in the hiz-ouse!
Nice. Other than these? Might pick up the new THOR #1, 'cus I'm a sucker for that particular old Kirby Koncept, and a longtime admirer of garlic-guzzling Olivier Coipel. And I'll buy anything with Squirrel Girl in it, so I'll pick up that Dan Slott GLI summer special thingy. Oh, and CRIMINAL #8, of course. Here's the magnificent, moody cover, starring Gnarly, the second greatest bartender in the history of fiction. And Holden Carver, who seems to have been transferred over from SLEEPER. Fair enough.