DC SOLICITATIONS hit the into-yer-net mainstreet tonight. BATMAN #667 sounds like a lot of fun, and reunites the team behind two of my favourite mainstream comics of recent times, SEVEN SOLDIERS #0&1. So I think I'll buy it. "Written by Grant Morrison, Art and cover by J.H. Williams III . The Batmen of All Nations reunite for a weekend of fine food and nostalgia, but an unexpected visitor has other plans for the gathering. Batman, Robin, and the rest of the Club of Heroes find themselves trapped and at the mercy of a dangerous madman on the Island of Mister Mayhew!" Sounds silver age as all-bedamned, something Morrison's proved a past master at.

I've complained elsewhere about the dismal attempts at rendered colour Marvel have stuck on Jack Kirby's artwork on some recent TPB covers. So how come I like this?

Plus a new, mystery, cover artist takes over from James Jean on the JACK OF FABLES ongoing? Not ready to announce it yet? After all this cloak and dagger from Vertigo, it'd need to be someone pretty special.