Thanks to DRAWN for pointing this out: the blog of Eric Canete. He's another artist whose first love seems to be comics, despite receiving more regular work and more dough in animation. No-one in American comics draws better robots than Canete (Barry Windsor Smith doesn't count, 'cus he's English), but I've noticed a certain simplicity and fluidity entering his work of late (might have came from working on Bruce Timm's JLU so much) which is making him a more versatile, less aggressively stylistic, artist. He's returned to the comics fray this last year, getting work as a cover artist, but I'd love to see him getting a nice juicy job on a high profile comic. And the cat has a great self-deprecating prose style that's highly entertaining, never mind all the pretty pictures.
So Eric, great blog, just wish you'd scan the images in a bit larger. Remember, I'm as blind as a friggin' bat.