...and both conspired to give away a few spoilers on the upcoming third X-MEN movie. Ross had seen the finished movie, and McKellen had not, so Widow Twanky asked Ross if Ratner had indeed added the epilogue with Magneto again playing chess, which Ross confirmed to his guest's clear delight (leaving things open for future sequels, I presume). Ross also played a clip of the movie featuring the already infamous sequence of a CGI de-aged Patrick Stewart and Gandalf interviewing a young Jean Grey. McKellen obviously loved it, but to me it looked a bit half-arsed, kinda unfinished. Yet again, I see little to fill me with any real confidence about this movie, and I just hope it isn't such a dog that it kills this franchise stone dead, a la BATMAN & ROBIN. Click here to see an extended trailer that, like the first teaser, actually seems visually pretty strong, though overly-hampered with cheesy dialogue.